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Breeder of the Month

By: Country Club

Q: Why did you choose Airedale Terriers?

A: I wanted all the terriers across my family accounts. I started with Airedales and Border Terriers, hence the name, but I separated the Borders into Airboarding2.


Q: What is the current highest SOP?

I think the current highest is 88.65. My current highest is 87.95


Q: How fast do Airedales finish? 

A: A good dog can finish in 3 shows but sometimes competition is good and it takes a little longer.


Q: How friendly/willing to help are the breeders?

A: find everyone very friendly.


Q: What is the price of stud fees? Puppy sales?

A: The best studs in the breed are actually the cheapest at $50. Good pups are rarely more than $100. I would avoid the higher prices in this breed as they don't reflect quality. Puppies sell quite well compared to other breeds I have.


Q: Show results: How successful are they (I had 3rd/4th in show as maximum)

A: I've won groups with quite a few, I know other Airedales have attained 3rd or 4th in shows.


Q: How easy or difficult is it to get handlers/shows?

A: The handlers issue isn't so much a problem these days and if you have a good dog, you will win through. I can add the 6th highest rated handler and still get a good results.


Q: How many breeders are permanently staying in the breed?

A: There are 3 or 4 who've been around a while, a couple have returned too and I've had contact with a couple of new kennels.

Thank you Airboarding for answering our questions for the Showdog Fever Breeder of the Month!!

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