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Featured Article 3

By: BRW Gold Winners

One Word: Agility.

We probably all agree that agility is a fun sport. With jumps, tunnels, weavers, A-frames and all sorts of equipment, your dog needs to be agile and quick. Whether you have a Border Collie or a Papillon, there are no boundaries.
But recently, I've been wondering - What breed is most suited and equipped for agility? Or are there a few? Most dogs in my agility class are Border Collies and Poodles. So, I set off trying to find out what breed the perfect agility dog would be.


I found out on, that the top five are Border Collies; because as well as being one of the most intelligent dog breeds, they are also one of the most athletic and thrive on physical and mental stimulation. Shelties, because they too are very intelligent, and being a herding dog makes them very alert and they like to have a task to complete. Pembroke Welsh Corgi's are sturdy and quite athletic, which helps in agility. Jack Russell Terriers; because they are very energetic for a small dog and they are also very bouncy. And finally, the Australian Shepherd, which is quite energetic and need a job to do and like to stick close to their owners.
Overall I found out that your dog has to be energetic and have a need to please. Also if you have an intelligent dog, that is heading along the path to success.
But, we all know as long as you and your dog work well as a team, love each other, and try your best; you can achieve anything.​

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